Local 3852 E-Board members VP Zak Robbins, President Robert Smith, Secretary Steve Jarvis, and VP Brandon Starr traveled to Jacksonville in June for the Florida Professional Firefighter’s (FPF) 78th Annual Convention, held this year in Jacksonville. Our proud union meets annually at the FPF convention with other Florida firefighter unions representing all 11 districts in the FPF.

Members at the convention attend educational seminars that are taught by experienced union and labor experts such as FPF lawyers, lobbyists, and negotiators. This is a great opportunity for members to learn and expand their knowledge and skills on labor laws, negotiating tactics, and good union practices to better serve their locals.


FPF Endorses Governor Ron Desantis

    The FPF convention benefits Florida firefighters statewide as many large political decisions and state business are voted on by delegates at the event. This year there was a unanimous vote to endorse Governor Ron Desantis for re-election. The picture above being FPF president Wayne “Bernie” Bernoska after the decision.

Local 3852 looks forward to the progress our union will make after this huge event!

We have had 56  members vote so far. Remember tomorrow is the last day to vote!

Good afternoon,
This is the final list of names that will appear on the ballot for 2nd Vice President.

Cody Loomis
Alex Porgesz
Matthew Johnson

Elections are to be held at the union hall on Wednesday 12/5, Thursday 12/6 and Friday 12/7, all days being from 0700-1000. No sooner, no later. At the conclusion of the vote on Friday, votes shall be counted and the winner will be announced in the union meeting which shall begin at 1000.

Please feel free to contact me or any Eboard member with any questions.

Also, if you are unsure of who a candidate is that is running, feel free to email them or call them and ask questions about what their intentions are.

Emails are as follows:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Hailey Monismith
Elections Supervisor
Local 3852
Fire Rescue Professionals
of Alachua County

FRPACC Fundraiser is at Fluid Lounge on 12/06 beginning at 1800 and runs until 2100. We are being sponsored by STOLEN Whiskey. 50% of the sales from STOLEN Whiskey, Old Fashions, Whiskey Sours and Single Mixers go directly to the charity. Merchandise will be available for purchase.

Also on 12/06 at Fluid Lounge, Brandon and Amanda Overstreet would love for you to join them for a diaper party. Brandon and Amanda are soon going to be welcoming baby Garrett into the world. Diapers of all sizes are welcome.
Last of all, nominations for 2nd Vice President are still open until Sunday at 1300. At this time, Alex Porgesz and Cody Loomis are the only two whom have been nominated and accepted their nominations. If you would like to nominate someone for this position, please email [email protected] with your nomination.
At this time, elections for this position are scheduled to be held December 5th, 6th and 7th,  0700-1000 each morning. Voting will not take place any earlier nor any later than the scheduled time. At the conclusion of the vote, a count will be conducted and the results will be announced at the union meeting, which will be on December 7th at 1000, following the closing of the elections.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any member of the E-board.
Hailey Monismith
Elections Supervisor
Events Coordinator
Local 3852
Fire Rescue Professionals of Alachua County


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