Local 3852 E-Board Meets At 78th Annual Florida Professional Firefighter’s Convention in Jacksonville


Local 3852 E-Board members VP Zak Robbins, President Robert Smith, Secretary Steve Jarvis, and VP Brandon Starr traveled to Jacksonville in June for the Florida Professional Firefighter’s (FPF) 78th Annual Convention, held this year in Jacksonville. Our proud union meets annually at the FPF convention with other Florida firefighter unions representing all 11 districts in the FPF.

Members at the convention attend educational seminars that are taught by experienced union and labor experts such as FPF lawyers, lobbyists, and negotiators. This is a great opportunity for members to learn and expand their knowledge and skills on labor laws, negotiating tactics, and good union practices to better serve their locals.


FPF Endorses Governor Ron Desantis

    The FPF convention benefits Florida firefighters statewide as many large political decisions and state business are voted on by delegates at the event. This year there was a unanimous vote to endorse Governor Ron Desantis for re-election. The picture above being FPF president Wayne “Bernie” Bernoska after the decision.

Local 3852 looks forward to the progress our union will make after this huge event!